Jesus Cares

“Jesus Cares”. 

He cares more than you will ever know. 

He cares about your pain, your frustration, and your future. He cares about your questions, your loneliness, and your joy.  He cares about your day today and your forever-eternity.

Bottom line is Jesus cares for you…every detail of your life.  Every aspect of your being.  And He doesn’t just care, He longs to be a part of your journey. He has made provision for your sins to be forgiven and for the definition of your life to turn from boring to abundant. 

He cares more than words could ever describe but His actions have proven. 

And, not just you, but He cares for everyone you know.  He hates to see someone struggle with addiction or depression.  He grieves when He sees someone manipulated or taken advantage of.  He catches the tears when they cry and longs to embrace them when they grieve. 

When lost and aimless, He longs to come to their aide and when they are dying in their sin, unaware that they are moving quickly towards a Godless eternity, He desires to interrupt their path and introduce them to the One He fashioned that will lead to Heaven. 

His compassion, love, and care have the ability to bring hope into any situation and to change any life…so why does this message seem to be losing momentum.  If there truly is redemption and power in the message that Jesus cares, why don’t we see the effects of that message more often? 

I believe that there are several reasons. 

  • For those of us who believe it we keep it to ourselves. We have bought the lie that politics and religion are a personal thing, so we avoid those discussions.  Although I don’t have a strong political agenda, the faith and perspective that you have found in Jesus is not something to keep to yourself.  It is something to share.

The Bible tells us that we are to give an answer for the hope that we have (I Peter 3:15).    When you are around people lost in darkness and dying in their sin, you can speak of light and forgiveness.  When others struggle with value and purpose, you can let them know that God crafted them and has good plans for them. 

Those of us who have discovered the life-transforming power in the power-packed truth need to be willing to share it. 

  • “Jesus Cares” seems trite and shallow.  When speaking with a person who is grieving from loss, looking them in the eyes and simply saying “Jesus Cares” seems hollow.  The enemy has convinced us that it doesn’t seem profound or particularly helpful, so we choose not to say it. 

This message is one that is incredibly powerful and comforting during difficult times.  You may never be able to come up with the right words to bring comfort or eternal perspective, but God’s love and nurturing presence can heal the pain over time.

“Jesus Cares” is the message…you might not be able to empathize but He can and He will bring peace that passes all understanding, joy that is indescribable, and love that will accelerate the healing process.  

  • Some reject it as weak. In our self-obsessed, strive for independence society, it feels week to admit that we need anything.  Admitting that we need the love, nurture, and care of Jesus seems weak. 

    However, “Jesus Cares” is not a sissy, feel-good message.  It is a paradigm-shifting, courage-enducing, turn wrong things right, and find strength-in-weak-moments message. 

When you realize you are cared for by the One who crafted the Universe and orchestrates it’s order, you discover that everything He has is yours making you not weak, but strong. 

He wants you to know that He cares.  He wants that truth to affect your life and give light to your dark valleys.

The most important message the world has ever known and it is yours and mine.  It will change our lives if we let it…and it will change our world if we share it. 

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