What is your picture of God?

What is your picture of God? 

Is He strong and immovable?  Is He beautiful and captivating?  Is He amazing and indescribable? 

Lately, I have been challenged with my view of God.  I know that He is all of the things above and so much more (undefeatable, all-knowing yet completely loving, never lacking), yet I notice that when I get lazy and lose my focus, I fail to allow the things I know about Him to impact the way I live my life.

See, when I view Him as He truly is, my faith soars, my prayers are empowered, my enemies feel anemic, and my goals (although significant) seem right around the corner.

So, my goal for the coming month is to constantly remind myself of who He is…what He has promised…and what He is going to do.  When my expectation grows (based on His might, character, and where He is leading) it pleases Him.

Join me…instead of dwelling on all that is wrong in the world, your life, or your circumstances, spend intentional time dwelling on the One who is right.  Your God (if you have a relationship with Him because you have trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior) is able to move any mountain or change any situation. He has done it millions of times throughout history and He will do it for you. 

My God is Able…is yours?

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