World Domination

Because Hell is real, we will keep telling people about Heaven. 

Because the thief works hard to steal, kill and destroy, we will continue to share about Jesus who has come to offer life and life more abundantly.

Because life without hope miserable, we will point to the Hope that will not disappoint. 

And, because we have an enemy, we must continue to lift up the Savior.

You see, we are in a spiritual battle.  It rages all around us.  The devil (yes, I believe there is a real, created being that has been named such), demons, and evil forces are swinging away.  They are trying to take down as many as possible.  They are looking to smother people whom God created and desperately loves with misery, discouragement, self-loathing, and pain in order to keep them from entering into a relationship with Jesus who can forgive, save, inspire, and offer purpose.

As born-again, spirit-filed, want to see His-Kingdom-come, anointed (if you have surrendered your heart to God, His power rests on you) children of God, our task is not tiny.  It is huge. 

Our task is World-Domination. 

That may sound strange, but the truth is, we are supposed to take ground for our God.  Wherever there is darkness, we bring the light.  Wherever there is sadness, we are to bring joy.  Wherever there are wounds, we bring healing.  And, wherever there are lost people we bring the Gospel.

That is our mission…that is our  job.

We cannot grow complacent…the consequences are too severe

We cannot become distracted…lives are at stake. 

What a compelling adventure and complex mystery.  The God who created the Universe and set it into order with spiritual laws that dictate eternal rewards has entrusted much of the communication of those laws to His creation. 

We have been drafted.  We are on the winning team.  And, as we pray Kingdom-building prayers and willingly share Gospel truths, lives will be transformed and people will be saved.   

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